
HP 2600N LaserJet - Anyone use it?

Started by May 04, 2007 08:00 PM
1 comment, last by Michalson 15 years, 9 months ago
I'm looking at picking up one of these, does anyone own one or use it? I'm mainly interested in impressions of document print quality (not photo printing, but printing off things like a detailed color map, or a power point slide or other sharp color content), as I already know it can be slow compared to certain types of printers and that isn't a problem for me (it's 8ppm single pass instead of 4 pass, so it can be faster when printing color, but is much slower then a cheaper 20ppm B&W laser when printing B&W documents). Any impressions on things like noise or heat generation would also be appreciated.
We have one at our house. It works really well, and prints documents better (but not faster) than any printer I've seen in its class. I've used it for maps before, and printing off an online map preserved colors and details.

It's not silent, and it takes a bit to print a complete page in full color, but the image quality is great. (If you ever do print photos, I'd recommend using actual photo paper) Heat isn't excessive. It comes with all the cooling it'll need, and (as far as I can tell) doesn't make a room much warmer.

I'd recommend it.
[sub]-------------------------So impact forces are measured in Ford-Taurus-miles-per-hour in the U.S.? - Trapper Zoid[/sub]
I guess I'll try and pick one up today. I can get a deal where I pay less for the entire printer then for it's own brand name towner replacement set (and the printer comes with a full toner load, unlike the non-networked 1600 version which only comes with half full toner cartridges). I just need to figure out a place to put it.

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