
Building a Gaming Computer

Started by September 03, 2007 03:06 PM
30 comments, last by Nytegard 16 years, 11 months ago
Quote: Original post by Nytegard
...Part of the ping in the Windows OS is the packet handling by the OS itself, and this card will take care of it instead of Windows. Is there a difference? Yes. About 12-15 ms worth. ...

really? the OS adds 12-15ms to pings!?!?

I think it is much much lower-
When I ping from my linux computer to my win-xp computer the ping time says 0.270ms, and from win-xp to linux it says "<1ms", though maybe they start the timer after the OS overhead.

maybe you meant 12-15 micro seconds?
and if thats the case - definitely don't waste money on this network card.
Quote: Original post by Iftah
really? the OS adds 12-15ms to pings!?!?

I think it is much much lower-
When I ping from my linux computer to my win-xp computer the ping time says 0.270ms, and from win-xp to linux it says "<1ms", though maybe they start the timer after the OS overhead.

maybe you meant 12-15 micro seconds?
and if thats the case - definitely don't waste money on this network card.

There's a little more that goes into networking than the ping tool. Part of the latency is the handling of the packets that you send and receive, which the ping tool really doesn't have to worry about. And it's milliseconds that it improves, not microseconds. Either way, it's not a big enough deal that anyone but the hardcore FPS player would honestly notice. In a worst case scenario, it's like being able to tell notice the difference between 65 frames per second and 67 frames per second.

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