
buying a new Graphics card maybe new CPU

Started by September 07, 2007 12:52 AM
0 comments, last by Ravyne 17 years ago
I'm not a complete idiot when doing this but it's been along time since I've actually built a PC and I just want to upgrade mine to handle newer game and to let me code with the newer 3.0pixel shader. My current setup does not include a PCI-express slot, so I'm stuck with AGPx8 (never would of though PCI would be faster, but I guess it's been 3 years since I bought a graphics card), and the CPU socket is a 754socket. From everything I've read and the possible sites to order stuff from I've come down to the conclusion that the AMD sempron 3100+ is probaly the best CPU i'll be able to get for my motherboard (I know there an Athlon64 XP processor, but I use WinXP, and I figured it would be able to take advantage of the procesesor, if I'm wrong please correct me as its a rather cheap chip and has a nice boost to power over what I got) And since I already have the 3100+ is it worth upgrading? As for the graphics card question, I'm currently using a Geforce5200FX PCI, and am looking at either a Geforce6200 or 7200, it's about a difference of $100, but the spec list on the 7200 looks alot better than the 6200 but I'm not sure? Also the 7200 seems to be the last card that supports AGP, is that correct? Annother currious thing is, how do I figure out the wattage my poer unit can dish out, as some of the required specs include a 300watt power supply. and I could be wrong but I though mine only does 180watss with 250watts tops?
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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.
If upgrading the whole Motherboard/CPU/RAM/Graphics combo is out of the question (you could probably get a decent setup for $400-$500) then you honestly may want to consider holding off until you can. Its really hard to recommend that you upgrade such an old system in light of the fact that all current components use different sockets. You're going to spend a fair bit of money to 'upgrade' to obsolete technology, when you could spend a little more and get yourself with the times. I've been holding of on upgrading my P4 3Ghz/9800pro for a couple years.

Also, something tells me that you're shopping local retail places at the price difference you're quoting between the 6200 and 7200. has 6800XTs and 7600GTs for $80-$100. Both cards have SM 3.0, feature-wise, they're pretty comparable.

I wouldn't even consider bothering with the CPU. It sounds like you can't go much higher than what you already have, and even if you can, its likely that the motherboard may not even take full advantage of the new chip due to RAM speed or some other issue.

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