
Good computer specs?

Started by October 01, 2008 10:38 PM
4 comments, last by daviangel 15 years, 11 months ago
Well I just got an offer to make a computer out of the $1500 they're giving me. I want to get into game design (writing mostly) and i like character modeling and such too. I'm not really sure where I should be posting this on this site, but I'd like to get as many amswers as possible and from people who know what theyre takling about. That's why I came here at first anyways. So what computer parts can you guys suggest? Even whole computers, I just would like some advice from people already making games. Im still in high school and havent made anything on computers sadly. Also considering I'm almost out of high school and I know no programming languages besides a little on Mark Overmars Game Maker program and the most complex artistic program I've grown accustomed to is, is that too late to be starting real projects? Not even real but, well, the things you guys started with. I feel like I'm a little late in the game and might not be able to match the competition.
Quote: Original post by NameChanger
So what computer parts can you guys suggest?

If someone said, here's 1500, what kind of PC would you build, here is what I'd suggest (I only shop NewEgg)

Total Cost: ~ $1,134.68 [No OS/Monitor] With an OS and monitor it would be right under 1500.

Now, you can opt for a cheaper CPU, like a Q6600 which would cut off about $150 and you can downgrade to a "cheaper" case and save maybe $40 or so. Those are the two optimizations that could be made and wouldn't affect the build. Everything else is good as is and I'd not recommend anything else. (Although if you are an ATI person, you would substitute in an ATI card)

I do encourage you to do research but from the computers I've built (4) and the numbers of computer builds I've recommended to people (>10, all successful builds from Newegg) I've had nothing but success with those brands of parts, so I am passing that along.

Quote: Also considering I'm almost out of high school and I know no programming languages besides a little on Mark Overmars Game Maker program and the most complex artistic program I've grown accustomed to is, is that too late to be starting real projects? Not even real but, well, the things you guys started with. I feel like I'm a little late in the game and might not be able to match the competition.

It's never too late to get started and there is no ideal time to start other than when you are ready [smile] Statistics show that learning when you are "younger" comes easier than learning when you get "older", but I don't think you will have to worry about that unless you plan on waiting 20 years or something [lol]
Moving to Hardware.
Quote: Original post by Drew_Benton
Total Cost: ~ $1,134.68 [No OS/Monitor] With an OS and monitor it would be right under 1500.

Now, you can opt for a cheaper CPU, like a Q6600 which would cut off about $150 and you can downgrade to a "cheaper" case and save maybe $40 or so. Those are the two optimizations that could be made and wouldn't affect the build. Everything else is good as is and I'd not recommend anything else. (Although if you are an ATI person, you would substitute in an ATI card)

Lian-Li? Xeon? Whoa, hoss! I'd go for a cheaper case and an E8400 (Dual core vs. Quad core is still open to debate depending on your desired applications). No need to spend so much on luxuries! [lol]

I agree that the rest of the build looks great.
Quote: Original post by Nypyren
Quote: Original post by Drew_Benton
Total Cost: ~ $1,134.68 [No OS/Monitor] With an OS and monitor it would be right under 1500.

Now, you can opt for a cheaper CPU, like a Q6600 which would cut off about $150 and you can downgrade to a "cheaper" case and save maybe $40 or so. Those are the two optimizations that could be made and wouldn't affect the build. Everything else is good as is and I'd not recommend anything else. (Although if you are an ATI person, you would substitute in an ATI card)

Lian-Li? Xeon? Whoa, hoss! I'd go for a cheaper case and an E8400 (Dual core vs. Quad core is still open to debate depending on your desired applications). No need to spend so much on luxuries! [lol]

I agree that the rest of the build looks great.

Yeah if you are going to go xeon might as well get a workstation class motherboard and ECC ram and a professional workstation graphics card like a Quadro or Firegl!
ExtremeTech also has some pretty good pc building guides you might want to have a look at and this is pretty close to what I'd recommend and it is under $1,500 without the monitor:
Build a Bang for the Buck PC
Also, I'd swith to an Antec P182 case but that's just me cuz I like a quiet pc.

[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe

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