
Curl and SSL

Started by September 16, 2009 10:14 PM
2 comments, last by The Orange Peanut 15 years ago
I'm trying to download a page from a website that is behind https: protocol using cURL. I don't care whether or not the data is encrypted because it isn't sensitive information, just names, emails, and phone numbers. However, if I do a simple curl [the url] -k I get the following error message: curl: (35) error:14077417:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert illegal parameter However, I tried doing the same thing on another SSL website and it seemed to work okay, so I'm thinking they have some kind of artificial protection, but I'm not sure how to break it. It must be possible because I can navigate to the site from my browser. Any ideas?
Dat is off da hizzle fo shizzle dizzle
curl --cipher SSLv3 [theurl]
No luck. Same error message. I could get the information I need by submiting a string to the form, but to get all of it I'd have to do it 600+ times :(. Any ideas?
Dat is off da hizzle fo shizzle dizzle
Interestingly, curl will work from 2 different remote boxs (my school's server and my personal webserver), but not from my machine. That must mean either my machine is misconfigured or my firewall is doing something to prevent me from doing it... <br><br>I would do my scripting from &#111;ne of the remote machines, but it appears neither of them have pycurl installed. I supposed to I could write a bash script calling curl from the command line, but Python + pycurl is just so much nicer...
Dat is off da hizzle fo shizzle dizzle

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