
Build, Expand, and Manage (Socially) Challenge is Now Live!

Started by May 04, 2020 03:37 AM
28 comments, last by Rutin 4 years, 2 months ago

Looking really good! ?

And it even feels like a game! Mine, not so much (yet!) ?

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>


Nice job! Looks great!

Programmer and 3D Artist

As we still have a bit of time left, I have added some extra buildings, Power (you now need to keep your city powered!), Schools and Universities. I'm learning a lot doing this, thanks for organising and look forward to seeing other people's work!

Great work! I have almost all my buildings done, and the design is complete along with how the game works. I just need to program now. ?

Programmer and 3D Artist

I'm in a bit of a rush as I only started programming yesterday… So I'm using SFML with C++ as it will be faster for me to complete this (assuming I can by the 3rd of July). All the 3D models are done up, but not textured yet. I haven't done any terrain yet. The GUI is complete for the most part, but pending the Main Menu system, and the New Arrivals which is AI controlled for filling in new citizen slots.

I made some quick snap shots of each model just to populate a test area until I have the the menus fully working so you can build, remove, and wait for new arrivals at day end. Then there is the market where you use resources to buy food and medical as well as sell off extra food, and even medical supplies if you need.

N, W, P refers to the layers. N = Normal Layer, W = Water Layer (shows which buildings have water access), and P = Power, same function as the Water Layer.

The AI will handle in new citizen approvals and disburse medical treatment as needed to move citizens from the hospital to their working stations. I want to expand more such as citizen job transfers but I wont have time.

I did up the 3D models so I intend on texturing them if I can (worst case I'll just color fill parts):

Aside from that I need to do some price balancing.

The objective of the game is to survive until the final day with a sickness rate of 0%. Pretty much your city is taking in the few remaining people to escape the virus, but some will come infected and this can spread to the citizens already there. You have to build power and water to keep buildings running and this impacts health. Then you need food production to feed population, otherwise they can get sick and die, then you have resource collection which allows you to buy from the market, and finally the market building allows citizens to shop for food.

If I have time I'll code in the conversion to make the draws all isometric, but only if I have time.

I'm not going too much in depth as I only have another day to program this, but hopefully I can complete it!

Programmer and 3D Artist


My entry is here:

Only half finished, there's not much to play, but it shows where I was aiming at. I hope ?

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>

Endurion said:

My entry is here:

Only half finished, there's not much to play, but it shows where I was aiming at. I hope ?

Nice, I like it!

Congrats to those who're able to complete the challenge. I've decided to drop out. With my current time schedule I cannot code all the game logic in time. Everything is pretty much working aside from the AI part, timer, day counter, and new arrivals, and layer updates for water and power. The bulk of the work however is managing the day end logic and how to balance the game which I cannot do in just an evening.

All I have is a working GUI, and some game logic done but you cannot tell from the video itself. I'm still using a test map as well which is scroll-able with the camera for bigger maps.

The building props I did up in Blender:

As per usual I start super late and never finish anymore. ???? Another one for the bin!

Programmer and 3D Artist

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