
New team battling/ monster catching mechanics

Started by August 29, 2020 05:00 PM
0 comments, last by Looty 4 years ago

So I have been wanting to create a game of my own for quite some time, but my experience comes down to using software and programs like RPG Maker and the like. The type of game i'm looking to make is at worst in the genre of Pokemon, Temtem, or one of the other "'Mons" styled games out there. The gameplay would be similar to Pokemon in that your player character would move about on an over-world and interact with objects, while the monsters would be random encounters and would do all the battling in combat.

I would love to use 3D models for the creatures and objects (the world would be from above so no great detail needed like 1st person) but I have no idea where to start.

Could anyone give me a direction to go in order to learn what coding I would need for such a game, what engine i should use, other stuff like that?

I'm used to basic drag and place options for game making, so any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

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