
Latest Navigation Activity


@frob I have used the navigation system before but I am not sure how I can use it for the two lanes and possibly more in the future. I'm also not sure how I would use the nav mesh to show road markings to show the right way to the destination (which is my main priority). I'll experiment with the na…


Hi everyone,

In a fit of nostalgia, I decided I wanted to try my hand at creating an AI to play an old HL1 mod called “Natural Selection” - a marines-vs-aliens asymmetrical mix of RTS and FPS elements - since nobody plays it any more and there isn't a good bot already available that is actually fun …


I have never implemented funnel and don't know how it works, but you can always make the mesh locally flat.

To do this around an edge, you rotate the two triangles around this edge so they preserve their angles and area, but lie on the same plane.

To do it around a vertex, you sum up the adjacent tri…

January 23, 2022 10:15 PM
DevBlog 14 - AI Collision Avoidance Spheres

An algorithm created to make AI not fly into things (it's not boids).

The high level idea is to create avoidance spheres.

When an ai agent enters a sphere, it avoids the center.

The deeper the agent goes, the more avoidance it has applied to it.

The avoidance removes a portion of its desired direction …

How to make your own UI sounds.
Breaking down my method of creating UI sounds for video games. I go through my process from start to finish to create a navigation, menu open/close, option select, error and save sounds.

IADaveMark said:

One quick solution is to put an invisible object that blocks the generation of the navmesh on the bad side of the door. Of course, that will also keep people from sliding the walls past the door… but it is, again, a quick solution.

Actually, this is awesome! If that object is a NavMe…
